Each year, over 1.7 million people will be diagnosed with cancer in the United States. Does Medicare really cover costs associated with a cancer diagnosis?

1 in 2 Men - Cancer Risk1 in 3 Women - Cancer Risk

Two-thirds of cancer-related costs are non-medical

Cancer Costs

That means Medicare won’t cover it. Who will?

  • Travel expenses
  • Lodging
  • Loss of income of you and potential family caregivers
  • Experimental medications
  • Meals
  • Child care
  • Counseling and coping support
  • Clothing and hair pieces (wigs)
  • Deductibles and copayments
  • Medical supplies

Example #1:

When you get cancer, the treatments tend to cause loss of appetite. It’s normal to drop a significant amount of weight. That means you need all new clothing. And over time, it’s probable that you’ll put some of that weight back on – which means you need new clothes again.

Example #2:

If you’re spending most of your time in a hospital – and keep in mind that cancer drains you both physically and mentally – you likely won’t be able to keep up with a full-time job. Where will income replacement come from?

Example #3:

You have twice the chance of survival if you go to a research facility — so why wouldn’t you? The top cancer hospitals are in Houston, New York City, Rochester, and Boston. Who will pay for the airfare, the hotel stays, the meals, etc.? We’ve had clients travel to New York and Texas, and they were responsible for the flight and hotel bills that add up over time.

Example #4:

One of our clients is a veterinarian who was diagnosed with cancer. He was advised to take an experimental drug, which had seen success with other cancer patients, and they expected it to increase his lifespan. The cost? $4,500 per month – and Medicare doesn’t cover a single penny of it.

Did you know? Only 10% of cancers are hereditary. Even though cancer may not be in your family, it’s still important to plan for these unexpected costs.

Details our current clients love

Lump sum benefit option

Some of our favorite plans offer a lump sum benefit, meaning that you are paid your full benefit as soon as you’re diagnosed with cancer.

Available to age 89

It’s never too late to get cancer coverage. Most plans are available to everyone from age 18 to age 89.

Stroke and heart attack coverage

Some plans also include stroke and heart attack, giving you triple the coverage for the same monthly cost.

Low monthly premium

You can have total cancer coverage for less than $1 per day. You also can experience a discount when you and your spouse or partner sign up for the same plan.

We Represent…

AARPBlue Cross Blue Shield of ILCSI LifeEquitableKSKJ LifeMutual of Omaha

…and many more!

Disclaimer: We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent 4 organizations which offer 41 products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1‑800‑MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options. Not connected with or endorsed by the United States government or the federal Medicare program.