One of the most common complaints we hear from our Medicare clients is that dental, vision, and hearing expenses aren’t covered! And it’s true – Medicare won’t pay for any typical dental, vision, or hearing-related bills.

The good news is that many insurance companies have stepped in to offer Dental, Vision, and Hearing plans (also called DVH plans) for those who are on Medicare and desire coverage. These plans can offer coverage for all three areas, but most commonly, a basic plan covers dental expenses only.

In our state of Illinois, we offer Dental, Vision, and Hearing Insurance from Aetna, Medico, Renaissance, Mutual of Omaha, and United National Life. While each plan differs slightly, there are some excellent benefits that you will receive no matter which plan option you choose.

Coverage for what you need

DVH plans help cover things like exams, cleanings, contact lenses, hearing aids, x-rays, and other common services and items that aren’t covered by Medicare or your Medicare Supplement.

Benefit options to fit your budget

Every insurance carrier offers benefit options ranging from $1,000 per year to as much as $3,000 per year. Choose the benefit that best matches your budget for DVH expenses.

Discounts for seeing in-network physicians

While you don’t have to stay in-network for most plans, you receive a discount if you do. Take advantage of preferred pricing by seeing in-network physicians.

Very low deductibles

Plan deductibles are typically $100, giving you quick access to your coverage.

No medical questions

Dental, vision, and hearing plans don’t make you answer health questions. No medical underwriting is required to be approved for dental coverage.

Very affordable

A basic DVH plan costs around $35 per month. Even if you want the highest coverage options, the monthly premium only reaches about $75 per month.

Get Covered for Dental, Vision, and Hearing Today!

Buy coverage today and be covered tomorrow – it’s that easy. The application is short and quick, and we have plenty of plan options that are available right here in Illinois.

Fill out this simple form, and we’ll fill out your application for dental, vision, and hearing coverage today.

We Represent…

AARPBlue Cross Blue Shield of ILCSI LifeEquitableKSKJ LifeMutual of Omaha

…and many more!

Disclaimer: We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent 4 organizations which offer 41 products in your area. Please contact, 1‑800‑MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options. Not connected with or endorsed by the United States government or the federal Medicare program.