

Investment and Annuity Statistic Round-Up (Infographic)

As we cross over retirement and live into our later years, investments start to become pretty important. Do we have enough money for retirement? Is our money in a safe place? Will we be financially stable through our golden years? Check out these investment statistics and fun facts to see how your finances stack up.

Steady income for life, with a fail-safe

Jeff Sams was meeting with a couple who were interested in annuities. They were looking for a retirement plan that would offer a steady flow of income for life. Here's how he solved their problem.

Jim and Becky are getting 5 times the interest

Becky and Jim had a $40,000 CD at a bank that was making a measly 0.6%. Dianne Renner was delivering their new Medicare Supplement policy to them, and mentioned a 3% annuity we offer, that will earn them an extra $5100 over the CD.


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We love that we have a personal and great agent in Tom Gallion. He always takes the time to help us on any matter. We have peace of mind knowing that we will be taken care of!! This is so important to us senior citizens.
L.K., Customer

Meet Our Agents

Patty Gogerty

Patty Gogerty

See Bio
Disclaimer: We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent 4 organizations which offer 41 products in your area. Please contact, 1‑800‑MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options.